Sunday, December 16, 2012

Well, would you?

Hey, I'm Mary Catherine, and I was a Livejournal kid.

I'm not ashamed. (I'm a little ashamed.)

I will say, in my defense, my posts were not littered with grammatical errors or ironic ampersand placement (ie. "im soOoOo excited your my friend && i will never forget u"). I will also say, in my self-deprecation, that my posts were pretty dense with teenage angst and emotion. Also heavy in life plans that didn't quite turn out the way I thought they might.

Here's an excerpt from a 2005 entry:

"i think i've decided that i'm going to major in journalism. well...actually, i've got my life planned out. i mean, it'll never happen this way, and i'll change my mind a million times, but here's where i am: 

-4 years at bsc, majoring in journalism and minoring in psychology. 
-divinity school at emory or vandy
-write a book 
-get my doctorate in theology
-become a theology professor at some wonderful, gorgeous east-coast school." 

Well. Isn't that cute?

I was right about a couple of things: I did, in fact, spend four years at Birmingham-Southern College. I majored in English and minored in Religious Studies. I have not yet written a book (16-year old Mary Catherine was super ambitious) or gotten a doctorate, but instead went on to serve as a Teach For America corps member in rural Alabama (in year one of my commitment) and then urban Alabama (in year two). What's next? Nary a clue. I kinda wish people still said nary, though. That I know.

Here are the things you'll read about here: fashion, recipes that go horribly wrong, mild and mostly ill-informed political commentary, Ernest Hemingway, and how much I love my job. Probly gonna find a little God talk peppered in here, too. (Don't worry, I'm not a fundamentalist. I'm just from Alabama.)

I don't really intend for this to be a, "Here, look at the story of my life," type-a-blog, so I'm telling you my life story now. Let's just get the pleasantries out of the way, shall we? Here are some pictures so you can stop reading and just sit there.

I'll leave you with the question of the day: If I had a blog...would you read it?

Here's me and Holly. Holls teaches for America, too.
This is Parker. He's my brother. Not a lumberjack. Just a musician.
This is my friend Mary Catherine. Same name! CRAZY!
Katie (left) and Victoria (right). We were grady-atin'.
Sometimes I dance with Gary.

Sometimes I dance with Jackson (or Lee and Wes and Will - they're up there). I'm a girl with guy friends.  I think it's important.
These are my best girls. Ride or die.
This is me staring down a student who wasn't doing what he should have been doing.
This is me and April, my mother. We were in Israel. Also, we were tired.
This is Sidney. He's my dad.

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